on the net since 1994


quintessenz campaigns 1994-2001
Promoting civil liberties and digital freedom on the internet


November 2000
Participation in the World-Information.org exhibition held by Public Netbase in Vienna's technical museum. quintessenz presents a remembrance shrine, historic Big Brother Awards statues and a top secret international collaboration called Red Rover.

October/November 2000
quintessenz is amongst the twenty-eight GILC member organizations from around the world who have urged the Council of Europe to reject the current version of its Convention on Cyber-Crime. Our letter to Council of Europe secretary general, Mr. Walter Schwimmer states that provisions of the treaty run contrary to internationally accepted human rights norms and would infringe on the free speech and privacy rights of all internet users. The convention is currently being reworked as mistrust arose lately amongst the G-7 states concerning industry espionage. Multilateral trans border search in databases and networks being legalized for law enforcement could open doors for intelligence agencies as well...

October 2000
To our own surprise the Big Brother Awards Austria 2000 managed to top last year's (1999) event. Again more than 1000 people assembled on October 26 in Vienna's Flex to name and shame the nation's worst privacy invaders and advocates of a surveillance society. Three of the six robodogs were awarded to members and origanizations of Joerg Haider's Freedom Party. For the first time the awards were held simultanously in Austria, Germany and Switzerland and received again fine media coverage.

September 2000
Privacy International, the American Civil Liberties Union and quintessenz organized the International Forum on Surveillance by Design September 22, 2000  at the London School of Economics.

July/August 2000
After having been guests on varius servers for a long time, quintessenz.org started set up up an infrastructure of its own. The first of a planned series of servers is running on debian linux.

July 2000
Support for IRIS and numerous other French organizations in opposing the so called Liberty of Communication Act in French parliament.

June 2000
German officials put pressure upon the Forschungsgruppe Informationsgesellschaft und Sicherheitspolitik in Berlin to remove a draft document on the protection of national infrastructure off their webspace. We managed to find 12 mirror sites in different countries to ensure that the document would remain in the public infospace.

April 2000
Active participation in the Outlook for Freedom conference in Moscow on exchange of experience among human rights activists from various countries on Internet privacy matters. The conference was carried out under the aegis of the Global Internet Liberty Campaign, Chaos Computer Club and quintessenz represented the German language area.

January 2000 - until when?
We still host the DeCSS program on our ftp the Motion Picture Association of America [MPAA] and other lobby groups want to have banned worldwide.  A series of US court orders even made t-shirts and songs containing the code illegal. Members of the Global Internet Liberty Campaign joined with  groups from the open source community in defense of free speech on the internet.

We still get love letters from MPAA lawyers threatening to sue us if we would not remove the code.


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2000  |








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