EU/USA: Debile Daten-Deals
Dem für die Auslieferung der EU-Flugdatenbanken verantwortlichen EU-Kommissar Christopher Patten wird hiemit ein "Plumbo Facialis Ersten Grades", sowie die "Transtlantische Nadel in Silber für Debile Daten-Deals" verliehen.
The Right Honourable Christopher Patten, External Relations Commissioner to the European Union, is being awarded this "PlumbO Facialis, first degree" plus the "Transatlantic Needle in Silver for Special Merits in Debile Data Deals".
Whereas we believe [unless proven otherwise] that the Right Honourable Christopher Patten, External Relations Commissioner to the European Union, is promoting neither national interests nor those of a third, Non-EU party, but only the interests of the European Union -
Considering that we are compelled to rate the latest bilateral EU/US agreement negotiated by the External Relations Commission on "Passenger Name Records" [PNR] an act of ultimate idiocy. Under the aegis of Mr. Patten the European delegation accepted the US-"requirements": full, direct access to the customer databases of all major European airlines by US officials. As the doquments [see links below] suggest the European delegation did not even try to raise dispute on that point in a proposed bilateral agreement: A "joint statement" that does not say a word about e.g. about European access requirements to US air carrier customer databases to keep things in balance.
Therefore the Right Honourable Christopher Patten, External Relations Commissioner to the European Union, is being awarded this "PlumbO Facialis, first degree" plus the "Transatlantic Needle in Silver for Special Merits in Debile Data Deals"
Nominations for Privacy International's "Stupid-Security Awards"at the CFP 2003
The Right Honourable Christopher Patten's Homepage
The Commissioner's online chamber
The proposed Agreement:
q/depesche nr. 2453
The joint document on the access to "Passenger Name Records":
PNR Document Revision History
Mr. Patten was clad and decorated by Zazie copyleft artworkzazie's homebase
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