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2003_10_30,ISO_JTC1_SC37,list all_biometric_doqs
A list of all doquments circulated in the biometrics subcommitte SC 37 from 2002_8_29, when the newly founded SC 37 started working until 2003_10_30. This subcommittee is part of the Joint Technical Committee 1" [JTC1] of the International Standards Organization [ISO]. Their work is to create standards for all sorts of biometrics, enable interoperability of biometrics databases, devices, protocols and applications.
Biometrics doqu/base
The biometrics doq/ubase is a collection of biometrics related documents focusing on the current processes of worldwide biometrics standardization and implementation thereof in machine readable travel documents [MRTDs] e.g. European passports. The quintessential collection is to facilitate and encourage scientific research in this highly invasive technology that originated from the heart of the electronic-military complex and is currently invading civil societies all over the world.
BE: Biometrics Propaganda der Cops
Aus einer Kindersendung des belgischen Fernsehens zum Thema Biometrie. Wie oft q/regular goetz o., der unten attachiertes Protokoll mit spitzen Fingern verfasst hat, dabei zum Kotztütchen greifen musste, ist vorerst unbekannt.
Biometrics a gogo
Terror: Biometrics-Geier im Anflug
Biometrics: Forschung, Spucke & Unsterblichkeit
AT: VA Stahl & Biometrics
Biometrics versus ECHELON
Biometrics: Ein boeser Traum aus Tampa
Ostwaerts: Fingerprint Maus von Siemens
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25. Oktober 2023
Big Brother Awards Austria
q/Talk 1.Juli: The Danger of Software Users Don't Control
Dr.h.c. Richard Stallman live in Wien, dem Begründer der GPL und des Free-Software-Movements
bits4free 14.Juli 2011: OpenStreetMap Erfinder Steve Coast live in Wien
Wie OpenStreetMaps die Welt abbildet und was ein erfolgreiches Crowdsourcing Projekt ausmacht.