Although the Commission "have received strong qualitative evidence of the value of historic communications data in specific cases of terrorism" there is a "need to explain better the value of data retention".
2007_06_25,ETSI TC LI lawful intercerption retained data
A powerpoint presentation on "Lawful Interception and Retained Data Handover Interface standardisation" by Peter van der Arend, chairman of the ETSI Technical Committee on "Lawful Interception".
2007_06_01, ETSI TC-LI Retained data requirements law enforcement V.0.21
This is an ETSI document and will not only apply to countries falling under the Directive (not only EU countries). Limitations in what data to be retained are a national issue. This document and the delivery document are not mandatory. Where necessary this document will clarify functionality of the Directive. The Directive text sometimes seems to combine issues from a telecom perspective. The Directive text might use ambiguous wording from a telecom perspective. Additional issues could be added to fulfil national requirements.
2007_06_01,ETSI TC-LI Retained data handover interface requests delivery V0.4
"The request structure defined in section 7.5.1 permits a broad range of requests. Some of the requests that are possible under this structure will not necessarily be legal in all jurisdictions or proportionate in all situations. The goal of the present document is to define a structure that (at a technical level) allows a wide range of requests to be transmitted. Just because a request can be constructed within the framework in 7.5.1, it does not mean it is automatically a legal request. It is a national issue to establish whether or not a request is legal and proportionate." [p.17]
2007_05_21,Quintessenz Stellungnahme Begutachtung DataRetention
Stellungnahme der quintessenz zum Begutachtungsverfahren der Vorratsdatenspeicherung in .at
Anfrage + Antwort + Kommentar Vorratsdatenspeicherung des Abgeordneten Alexander Zach und weiterer Abgeordneter an die Bundesministerin für Justiz betreffend Umsetzung der Richtlinie zur verdachtsunabhängigen Vorratsdatenspeicherung:
2007_05_21, BMVIT data retention erlaeuterungen
"Der vorliegende Entwurf dient der direkten Umsetzung der Richtlinie 2006/24/EG über die Vorratsspeicherung von Daten in die innerstaatliche Rechtsordnung. Mit der umzusetzenden Richtlinie soll die Möglichkeit geschaffen werden, die beträchtlichen technischen Fortschritte im Bereich der elektronischen Kommunikation im Rahmen der Ermittlung, Feststellung und Verfolgung von Straftaten, insbesondere der organisierten Kriminalität, zu nutzen."
2007_05_21, BMVIT data retention entwurf
"Speicherung von Vorratsdaten § 102a. (1) Abweichend von den §§ 96, 99 und 102 haben Anbieter und Betreiber öffentlicher Kommunikationsnetze die in § 92 Abs. 3 Z 4a aufgezählten Daten, soweit diese im Zuge der Bereitstellung des Kommunikationsdienstes erzeugt oder verarbeitet werden, für einen Zeitraum von sechs Monaten ab dem Zeitpunkt der Beendigung des Kommunikationsvorganges zum Zweck der Ermittlung, Feststellung und Verfolgung von mit beträchtlicher Strafe bedrohten Handlungen (§ 17 SPG), einschließlich der Tatbestände der §§ 107 und 107a StGB zu speichern. Diese Daten sind nach Ablauf dieser Frist, unbeschadet des § 99 Abs. 2, unverzüglich zu löschen."
2007_03_13,LIF,data_retention_anfrage berger
Parlamentarische Anfrage des Abgeordneten Alexander Zach [LIF] zur Umsetzung der Data-Retention-Richtlinie in Österreich an die Justizministerin Maria Berger
2006_11_27 Deutschlands Data Retention Gesetzentwurf
Referentenentwurf für ein Gesetz zur Neuregelung der Telekommunikationsüberwachung und anderer verdeck- ter Ermittlungsmaßnahmen sowie zur Umsetzung der Richtlinie 2006/24/EG1
2006_03_15, EU data retention directive official EN/DE
on the retention of data generated or processed in connection with the prov ision of publicly available electronic communications services or of public communications networks and amending Directive 2002/58/EC
/2006_03_27,EU Council_High Level meeting on "Freedom, Security and Justice", March 2-3 in Vienna
"US side indicated that it was considering approaching each
Member State to ensure that the data collected on the basis of the recently adopted Directive on data retention be accessible to them. The Presidency and the Commission replied that these data were accessible like any other data on the basis of the existing MLA agreements (bilateral as well as EU/US agreement). The Commission would convene an expert meeting on this subject."
2005_12_06,data retention corrigendum.pdf
Corregendum to data retention proposal 2005_12_06
2005_12_06,data retention addendum
Addendum to dataretention draft 2005_12_06
2005_12_06,data retention proposal ,st15449
Outcome of the JHA Council proceedings; Proposal for a Directive on the retention of data processed in connection with the provision of public electronic communication services and amending Directive 2002/58/EC; Cleaned up version of the 2005_12_02 document.
Changed Paragraph
(12bis)Article 15(1) of Directive 2002/58/EC would continue to apply in relation to data which are
not specifically required to be retained under the present Directive and therefore fall
outside the scope of this Directive, and for retention for purposes other than that covered by
this Directive.
(12bis)Article 15(1) of Directive 2002/58/EC would continue to apply in relation to data, including
data related to unsuccessful call attempts, which are not specifically required to be retained
under the present Directive and therefore fall outside the scope of this Directive, and for
retention for purposes, including judicial purposes, other than that covered by this Directive.
2005_12_01,addendum to data retention proposal, reservations to st15101
List of outstanding reservations on the text of the draft Directive on data retention as proposed by the Presidency and as set out in doc. 15101/05 COPEN 191 TELECOM 141 + COR 1.
2005_12_02,data retention propsal, st15101 rev 1
(LIMITE) Proposal for a
Directive of the European Parliament and of the council on the retention of data processed in connection with the provision of public electronic
communication services and amending Directive 2002/58/EC;
Despite an extended list of data to be retained, it contains a new article that allows a further extention of the retention periods by the member states in case of special circumstances.
2005_11_29,data retention proposal, german, st15101
LIMITE, Language: German; Data retention proposal
2005_11_24,second trialogue meeting with the European Parliament, Data retention
The European Parliament emphasised that the draft Directive on data retention should contain:
1. provisions on access, whilst recognising the constraints to such a provision resulting from the
limits of the legal basis for a Directive, and
2. a provision imposing criminal sanctions.
They also reiterated the need for additional data protection safeguards.
There are still divergent views on several key issues between the institutions, notably retention periods, costs
and scope of application.
A new article will place access to retained data outside of the european data protection directive, based on the exception for national security and public security.
"The Presidency noted the positive tone of the meeting and the ongoing political willingness to work for a deal on the draft Directive by the end of this year, but it was also clear that the European Parliament is looking for flexibility from the Council on a number of key issues as set out in the report." This was the reaction of the British Presidency to the Ammendments of Alexander Nuno Alvara, Reporter of The European Parliament in the case of Data Retention, which reduced the costs for ISP's and CSP's and legalize the current British practice of data retention.
This Draft Report and the presented compromise by Alexander Nuno Alvaro gave the undertaking of the British EU Presidency green light to pass in the trialogue discussions with the European Parliament and the EU Commission. The operating expense for ISP's and CSP's got reduced and the differences of existing data retention laws in some countries, eg. GB, SE, SP, cannot be longer reason for a court case at The European Tribunal.
"This Directive aims to harmonise the provisions of the Member States concerning obligations on the providers of publicly available electronic communications services or of a publicly accessible electronic communications network with respect to the processing and retention of certain data, and to ensure that the rights to the respect for private life and to the protection of personal data in the access and use of these data are fully respected, in order to ensure that the data is available for the purpose of the investigation, detection and prosecution of serious criminal offences, as referred to in Article 2 (2) of Council Framework Decision 2002/584/JHA."
2005_10_23,EU_Parliament_LIBE Technical_Questions Data_Retention_answers.pdf
Answer Number one to the questions : "The choice for these particular sets of data has been based on long discussions within the Council Working Groups, consultation with law enforcement experts and industry. They represent what could be called the essential elements for the effectiveness of the proposal, and reflect those datasets most often required and used by law enforcement authorities to identify who has been in contact with whom, using what means, and at what time."
2005_11_08,EU_presidency COPEN_172_telecom 123 data_retention parliament_discussion.p
"A maximum at least 24 months" - From the current presidency's point of view "Any draft Directive would have to include: Retention periods – flexibility within a minimum and maximum period, with a minimum obligation to retain data falling within the scope of the Directive for 6 months, and a maximum of at least 24 months. A list of telecommunications data to be retained which includes at least data on Internet access, Internet email and Internet telephony, in addition to data on fixed and mobile telephony."
2005_11-07,EU council room doc for jha counsellors on data retention.pdf
This doq contains "Presidency proposals for amendments to the instruments on data retention" and a pretty reasonable amendment by Finland. For that kind of quality the amendment is quite likely to be rejected.
2005_09_27,EU Commission copen 150 telecom codec 803 data retention deutsch.pdf
"Vorschlag für eine RICHTLINIE DES EUROPÄISCHEN PARLAMENTS UND DES RATES über die Vorratsspeicherung von Daten, die bei der Bereitstellung öffentlicher elektronischer Kommunikationsdienste verarbeitet werden, und zur Änderung der Richtlinie 2002/58/EG". So lautet das Wording, der EU Kommission.
2005_09_27,EU Commission copen 150 telecom codec 803 data retention annex
This "Cover Note" from the office of the "Secretary-General of the European Commission" to Mr. Javier Solana the Secretary-General of the European Commission, displays who else is interested in Data Retention - the so called copyright mafia "The retention of traffic data can also be important to combat organised crime in the area of intellectual copyright infringements.3)" [...] 3)Letter of July 2005 to this effect by the CMBA, the Creative and Media Business Alliance. [Page 5].
2005_09_27,EU_Commission copen 150 telecom codec 803 data retention directive draft
The reaction of the EU Commission to the Council's proposal on data retention is: another proposal to the mandatory retention of personal communications data slightly less invasive in scope and formulation.
2005 09 16,EU Council Draft framework decisio on data retention, Copen 42 telecom 90 - LIMITE
This doqument was produced by the council "Working Party on Cooperation in Criminal Matters". Interestingly the "Limite" marked draft framework decision contains numerous reservations and general reservations by different member states. Nice to learn who of the 25 interior ministers are real hardliners, as the reservations are directly attributed.
2005 09 01 Data Retention - the position of the British Eu-presidency
This is the wish-list of the British Eu-presidency concerning data retention. Doqument is not dated but was most likely produced after September the first to be handed around at the mid September JHA council. The official title of the doquement displays some black humour: "Liberty and Security - Striking the right balance"
2005_07_21,EU Commission EU-Parliament and Council proposal directive data retention.pdf
2005_05_31,EP report rejects dataretention
The committee adopted the report by Alexander Nuno ALVARO (ALDE, DE) rejecting the proposal under the consultation procedure. The committee said that it harboured serious doubts about the choice of the legal basis and the proportionality of the measures. It also raised the question of whether the proposed framework decision might infringe Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights.
2005_05_24,data retention consultations and questions at council.pdf
2005_04_14, data_retention framework draft outcome proceedings criminal matters.pdf
of : Working Party on Cooperation in Criminal Matters
"Draft Framework Decision on the retention of data processed and stored in connection with the provision of publicly available electronic communications services or data on public communications networks for the purpose of prevention, investigation, detection and prosecution of crime and criminal offences including terrorism"
2004_06_14,data-retention adhoc-meeting euro_ispa presentation.pdf
Data Retention - an ISPs view - on how ISPs will be affected by a general, undifferentiated retention proposal. Sources of Data; used, unused & potential logs; Costs; most not machine-readable; to get meaningful information logs will require outside source, historical data, local usernames mapped to global identities; database volume, security, technical difficulties; how requests would look like and need to be handled
2004_11_09,ARTICLE_29 Data_Protection Working Party data_retention.pdf
ARTICLE 29 Data Protection Working Party - Opinion 9/2004 on a draft Framework Decision on the storage of data processed and retained for the purpose of providing electronic public communications services or data available in public communications networks with a view to the prevention, investigation, detection and prosecution of criminal acts, including terrorism. [Proposal presented by France, Ireland, Sweden and Great Britain (Document of the Council 8958/04 of 28 April 2004)]
2004_11_19,JHA meeting data retention
Agenda for the meeting of the Council of Justice and Home Affairs, 19 November 2004 in Brussels. Item 4: Draft framework decision on the retention of data in relation to the provision of public electronic communications services or data in public communication networks that have been processed and stored with a view to the prevention, investigation, detection and prosecution of criminal offences, including terrorism
2004_09_30,FIFF_DVD traffic data retention english press release.pdf
2004_09_30,FIFF_DVD data retention hintergrund.pdf
DE: FIFF, DVD gegen "Data-Retention"
Presse-Erklärung des Forums InformatikerInnen für Frieden und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung [FIfF] und der Deutschen Vereinigung für den Datenschutz [DVD]. Unterstützt unter anderem von quintessenz.org.
swedish statistics on traffic data retention reveal, 85% of requested data from law enforcement agencies is of age 0-3 months, only 0.5% is older then 12 months. 50% apply to minor crimes and only a fraction of major crimes are terrorism related
2004_06_09,WKOE data retetention official position.doc
The Austrian Chamber of Commerce [Wirtschaftskammer Oesterreich on the draft directive on data retention: "Der vorliegende Entwurf erscheint aus datenschutzrechtlicher und kostenrechnerischer Sicht fragwürdig, weshalb wir diesen in seiner Gesamtheit ablehnen."
2004_04_28,Council CRIMORG 36 TELECOM 82 UK IE FR SE data retention proposal.pdf
Draft Framework Decision on the retention of data processed and stored in connection with the provision of publicly available electronic communications services or data on public communications networks for the purpose of prevention, investigation, detection and prosecution of crime and criminal offences including terrorism. From the French Republic, Ireland, the Kingdom of Sweden and the United Kingdom date on 28 April 2004 to Javier Solana, Secretary-General/High Representative.
2004_07_30,EU DGs INFSO JAI consultation on traffic data retention
By sending this consultation doqument the EU-Commission puts the entire European Data Protection Directive at stake. As should be known to the Commission the Directive excplicitly requires the immediate deletion of all data that are neither needed for billing nor for technical purposes.
2000_11_27,ENFOPOL 71 ECO 316 Rev 1
NOTE from working Party on Police Cooperation
to Article 36 Committee:
The Working Party on Police Cooperation considered the above draft Directive at its meeting on 25 October 2000. Various delegations (B/D/F/NL/S/UK) expressed misgivings about the implications of the Directive, in particular Article 6, where it is stated that "traffic data relating to subscribers and users processed for the purpose of the transmission of a communication and stored by the provider of a public communications network or service must be erased or made anonymous upon completion of the transmission."
2001_03_30,ENFOPOL 23 ECO 101 Swedish Note on traffic data t
"Draft Conclusions of the Council of the European Union concerning the importance that law enforcement authorities have access to traffic data"
2002_04_11,EUROPOL experts meeting on data retention
2002_07_10,freedom, data retention, internet - Brussels conference
How digital technologies empower or undermine civil liberties. A conference of the radical party together with EU-MEPs, some of the usual suspects of the Global Internet Liberty Campaign movement and other interesting people.
Brussels, 10 July 2002 European Parliament Rue Wiertz 60 - Room ASP 5G3 9:00