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Date: 1998-12-07

Heute: Navigator schlanker durch

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q/depesche 98.12.7/1
updating 98.11.2/2

Heute: Navigator schlanker durch

Soll er werden, wird eh Zeit. Vielleicht könnte man dem
Browser seine smarten Spitzelfunktionen abgewöhnen & die
Unart, per Default alle Netzwerkdaten zu verraten, wenn das
Kleingedruckte in den Preferences übersehen wird.

post/scrypt: Wir ersuchen um Nachsicht für das doppelte
Posting der letzten q/depesche & bitten um
Berücksichtigung zwier Ausreden:
- kurz davor erfolgte Installierung von NT -Servicepack 4
- allgemeines spät/sonntägliches Deppertsein

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Paul Festa
In a move long anticipated and warmly welcomed by Web
developers, Netscape Communications is expected to unveil
on Monday a developer preview of the next-generation layout
engine for Communicator 5.0, CNET has learned.
First announced in April, the engine promises to speed up
and slim down Navigator, Communicator's browsing

Following the April announcement, Netscape dismayed
developers by pushing back the release of the engine beyond
the expected release of Communicator 5.0. A movement
spearheaded by an advocacy group called the Web
Standards Project was partially credited with causing
Netscape to change its mind and move the release back up
to year-end 1998 and the first Communicator 5.0 beta, which
is also expected by the end of the year.
Monday's release is expected to bring Communicator up to
code with HTML 4.0, CSS 1 (full support), and CSS 2 (partial
support), the document object model DOM, extensible
markup language (XML) 1.0, the Open Java Interface, and
image formats .png, .gif, .jpeg, .pjpeg, .art, and .xbm.

The new engine is the product of, a Netscape-
supported group shepherding the open-source development of
the Communicator code. Because it is the product of an
open source effort, any software developer will be able to use
the engine as an embeddable component once it is released.

full text,4,29587,00.html
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edited by Harkank
published on: 1998-12-07
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