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Date: 1999-11-11

Klagen gegen Realnetworks wegen Bespitzelung

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Für europäische Begriffe ist der Umgang von US-Fimen mit
der Privatsphäre von Mitarbeitern oder Kunden gemeinhin
brutal. Das hochgradig unverschämte Vorgehen von
Realnetworks hat dies wieder einmal demonstriert.

Der nächste Schritt erfolgt kausaliter: die in Europa als
raffgierig und brutal bekannten US-Anwaltskanzleien
probieren ein möglichst großes Stück aus der Firma, die
Millionen User ausspioniert hat, herauszureissen.
Man nennt dies: Checks and Balances

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The case was filed in the Federal District Court for the
Eastern District of Pennsylvania on behalf of RealNetworks'
RealJukebox users, on the heels of revelations last month
that the company had assigned globally unique identification
numbers to its popular music listening software that could
have been used to track its users without their knowledge.

"This action is being filed on behalf of the millions of users of
the RealJukebox software to obtain compensation and other
relief for the violations of federal and state law," said Jonathan
Shub, an attorney with Sheller Ludwig & Badey, which filed
the case. "RealNetworks must be held accountable for its

To quell privacy advocates' complaints and outcries by
consumers, RealNetworks immediately disclosed the use of
ID numbers and then offered a patch that would replace the
IDs with zeroes in its audio listening products, RealJukebox
and RealPlayer 7. The company also said that it doesn't
associate the ID with any user's personal information or
unique listening habits.
As previously reported, Jeffrey Wilens, a RealJukebox user,
filed a $500 million class-action lawsuit against the company
in California Superior Court on grounds that RealNetworks'
actions violated the state's unfair business practices law.

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edited by Harkank
published on: 1999-11-11
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